Vanessa handled everything from scenery to patterns to clouds. Molly handled the lettering and patterns. This is not a posed picture. This is actually how they were working.
This was Vanessa and I's first experience with vandalism... working on a wall. Molly is a experienced "muralist". We knocked the piece out in about 5 hours. Not sure if that's fast or slow, but we did our best.
Since this is my blog, here's a shot of the characters. Abby almost broke me. She is hard to get to look cute on paper. Never mind drawing her on a wall with chalk. And, never doing it before. Almost broke me...
Here's as close of a straight on shot as the width of the hallway would allow. It works with the perspective of the piece.
A shot to give you an idea of how it sits in the hallway. It's pretty much invisible until you're right up on it. Thanks to Sesame for allowing me to work on a wall for the first time ever!
me thinks this is the first of many murals in your sesame future...
Let's hope so!
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