This week was Batman crazy. I'm not a "wear Batman gear to the midnight showing" type of fan. I wouldn't even go to opening night. But, I am hyped to see this movie. So, I did this weeks characters with a Batman theme. Hope you likes.

Bertman. I found out with this pose that distorting Bert's proportions and putting a mask on him didn't really work. It covered everything that made Bert identifiable as Bert. The pose was fun tho.

And, the obvious Ernie as Robin. I think this was my favorite of the week. I got a comment on Ernie being my favorite character to draw. I didn't think he was, but he quickly is becoming my favorite.

Count as Joker. Eh, this one is probably my least favorite of this week. I needed more time to work the pose. I think the idea would have worked beautifully if I carried it out properly. Maybe, I'll revisit the idea at a later date.

Grover Pennyworth. It would work better if he was placed next to Bertman, but he isn't. So, he just looks like Grover as any other butler or waiter.

Commissioner Cookie. This one came out better than I thought it would. I didn't like the glasses, but I thought everything else worked out well.
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