Whew, its been a long week. Came back from memorial day with the family and got hit with a heavy coughing phlegmy cold. One day I woke up at 5 in the am and I couldn't breath properly. I was wheezing and only able to take half breaths. Major chest congestion. So, with the cold and stress from work, I only have 3 pieces this week. And, I'm still working on the home piece. Didn't do too much to it this week, but still workin on it. I'm slackin like a mofo this week! Anyway, here are the pieces. These were all inspired by a pose I saw in the "Art of KungFu Panda" book a friend lent me. I liked the perspective.

Ernie came out okay...

I think Bert's turned out the best...

Cookie's perspective turned out a little funky. I didn't push his arm out enough.
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