So, I actually kept up with the 30 minute sketches for another few days. I'm a lot slower than I thought I was. In school, 30 minutes in a life drawing class seemed like an eternity. You felt like you could accomplish fully rendered models in that time. And, there are many artists that can. I've very quickly discovering that I'm not one of them. And, now, 30 min. just flies by. It's actually getting kind of frustrating. I can't ever get to where I want to get to in the time alloted. And, everyone knows how frustrating not being able to accomplish a goal is and how it can take a toll when it happens day after day. Twice a day. And, the ideas aren't as free flowing as I'd hoped they'd be. I'm hoping that its just a phase before the brilliance strikes... then I'll do 90 minute detailed inked drawings. Ha! Kidding, I just hope that, with time, my speed picks up. And, my sketches resemble what I'm capable of in finishes. Well, any progression is better than none, right? Anyway, here's three days worth of sketches.

Obvious inspiration. I can't wait to see the movie. Might still Netflix it. $30-$40 to see a movie with popcorn and refreshments is just a little hard to stomach.

This is inspired by DJ Ryusei. The brother of DJ Sara, which I sketched earlier. Again, I scanned him at 30 min. and touched him up afterwards. His expression was giving me hell. I just couldn't capture the "feel" of his performance. This is the 30 min version.

Again, obvious inspiration. I like the super hero and Sesame character cross. I'm thinking there will be more to follow.

Oddly enough, this little guy was inspired by spots on a subway floor. The eyes, nose, spots and mouth were smudges I saw as I was gazing into the floor as I was in route to my home. And, the character was built around those spots.

This was just a concept that popped in my head. A simple stackable. Like a simplified Mister Potato Head, but also using basic shapes. Probably, already made.

This guy was also inspired by smudges on the subway floor. His eye, nose, and mouth were smudges and lines on the floor.
1 comment:
I like that drawing pictures... we all got some picturs like tht , unfinished, and standind under projects.... you v got some good inspiration here..good work/ good feeling... 'LL be back (nd sorry for my bad English...!)
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